Welcome to my corner of the Internet!

hey. call me myamai.

If you're here, I've probably told you about this site or otherwise linked to it. It's my little precious Web 1.0 way of sharing walls of text using easy-to-remember links! And they don't even need the user to log in! God I miss Web 1.0 sometimes.

For just a tiny bit of info about myself: I'm an online dork with a passion for languages, translating, video games, and useless trivia (in no particular order). I'm a native Polish speaker and I am fluent in English — which is hopefully apparent as you read this text, otherwise all of this learning has been for naught. My socials or methods of contacting me should be listed somewhere on the side panel (or down below if your screen is more vertical than horizontal).

In case you wonder what my nickname is supposed to mean, check the page title in the tab name. The intended pronunciation of my nickname is kinda like "my oh my!" (but not exactly like that, try an A sound instead of an O sound), but I probably won't rip your head off if you mispronounce it.